Locations & contact Clarunis
Patients are assigned by their referring doctor to one of the two Clarunis locations, i.e. either to Claraspital or to Basel University Hospital. Basic care is provided at both locations. In cases of complex disease, expertise is bundled to enable the best possible treatment for the patient.
Current visiting hours
The current visiting hours for patients hospitalized at University Digestive Health Care Center Basel – Clarunis, Switzerland are as follows:
Clarunis Site University hospital Basel – Current visiting hours
St. Claraspital AG
Kleinriehenstrasse 30
CH-4058 Basel
Tel. + 41 61 685 85 85
Abdominal surgery +41 61 777 75 00
Gastroenterology +41 61 777 76 00
The Claraspital in Basel is a privately run acute-care hospital and an indispensable part of the health service in north-west Switzerland. It provides outstanding therapy and comprehensive medical expertise, delivered with the level of care you would expect in a private hospital.
Claraspital has two centres, the abdominal centre and the tumour centre as well as the special departments
- urology
- pneumology/thorax surgery
- cardiology
- general internal medicine/endocrinology
- gynecology/gynecological oncology
- intensive care
Furthermore, Claraspital is reference centre for obesity and provides extended basic medical care with a round-the-clock emergency department and out patient clinics.
Public transport:
Bus 34 - «Heimatland»
Tram 2, 6 - «Hirzbrunnen/Claraspital»
Car (A2/3):
Exit «Basel-Bad. Bhf./Riehen», turn right into the Riehenstrasse, access via the Hirzbrunnenallee is signposted.
Universitätsspital Basel
Spitalstrasse 21 / Petersgraben 4
CH-4031 Basel
Tel. +41 61 265 25 25
Abdominal surgery +41 61 777 73 00
Gastroenterology/Hepatology +41 61 777 74 00
The University Hospital Basel is synonymous with the very best in medical, nursing and therapeutic care. Cooperation between our various disciplines and professions ensures that this is the case, promoting communication and facilitating individually tailored treatment.
Public transport:
Bus 31, 33, 34, 36, 38 - «Universitätsspital»
Tram 11 - «Universitätsspital»
By car (A2/3):
Exit Basel-Süd/City, Exit Basel-Süd/West Universitätsspital, Cityparking
Clarunis at Felix Platter
Burgfelderstr. 101
4055 Basel
Tel +41 61 777 74 70
Contact Clarunis at Felix Platter Spital