PD Dr. med. Tarik Delko
Leitender Arzt Viszeralchirurgie
Standort Universitätsspital Basel

Leitender Arzt Viszeralchirurgie, Standort Universitätsspital Basel
Venia Docendi in Visceral Surgery, University Basel
Board Exam Visceral Surgery FMH
Since 09/2017
Staff Surgeon, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland (Prof. Daniel Oertli)
07/2017- 08/2017
Clinical Fellowship in Endocrine Surgery, Schön-Klinik Eilbek (Prof. J. Kussmann and Prof. F. Fendrich)
07/2016- 06/2017
Staff Surgeon, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland (Prof. Daniel Oertli)
01/2015 – 06/2016
Clinical and Research Fellow Adelaide Bariatric Centre and Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, South Australia (Assoc. Prof. Lilian Kow)
Since 01/2012
Staff Surgeon, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland (Prof. Daniel Oertli)
01/2012 - 12/2014
Staff Surgeon, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland (Prof. Daniel Oertli)
Board Certification in General Surgery, Switzerland
MD Thesis, University of Bern, Switzerland
01/2008 - 12/2011
Registrar, Department of Surgery, Spital Limmattal Zurich, Switzerland (Prof. Othmar Schöb, Prof. Urs Zingg)
04/2006 - 12/2007
Resident, Department of Surgery, Spital Lachen, Switzerland (Dr. Jürg Knaus)
Medical School, University of Zurich
- Lazaridis II, Schneider R, Stocker R, Kraljević M, Klasen JM, Delko T: Intraoperative Patterns of Gastric Microperfusion During Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. 2022: Obesity surgery 32: 4047–4056.
- Lazaridis II, Köstler T, Kübler L, Zingg U, Delko T: Risk of Reopening of the Mesenteric Defects After Routine Closure in Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: a Single-Centre Experience. 2022: Obesity surgery 32: 2853–2859.
- Schneider R, Kraljević M, Peterli R, Rohm TV, Bosch AJT, Low AJY, Keller L, AlAsfoor S, Häfliger S, Yilmaz B, Peterson CJ, Lazaridis II, Vonaesch P, Delko T, Cavelti-Weder C: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with a long versus a short biliopancreatic limb improves weight loss and glycemic control in obese mice. 2022: Surgery for obesity and related diseases: official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery 18: 1286–1297.
- Klasen JM, Tynes DM, Peterson CJ, Schneider R, Timper K, Peterli R, Randall CL, Delko T: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients from a Bariatric Program: A Qualitative Analysis of Their Perceptions of Health and Well-Being. 2022: Healthcare.
- Wiesler B, Linke KS, Delko T: Rare case of an 83-year-old woman with transrectal small bowel evisceration caused by spontaneous rectal perforation. 2022: BMJ case reports 15.
- Wilhelm A, Lemmenmeier I, Lalos A, Posabella A, Kancherla V, Piscuoglio S, Delko T, von Flüe M, Glatz K, Droeser RA: The prognostic significance of CXCR4 and SDF-1 in differentiated thyroid cancer depends on CD8+ density. 2022: BMC endocrine disorders 22: 292.
- Kraljević M, Schneider R, Wölnerhanssen B, Bueter M, Delko T, Peterli R: Different limb lengths in gastric bypass surgery: study protocol for a Swiss multicenter randomized controlled trial (SLIM). 2021: Trials 22: 352.
- Süsstrunk J, Lazaridis II, Köstler T, Kraljević M, Delko T, Zingg U: Long-Term Outcome of Proximal Versus Very-Very Long Limb Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: the Roux-Limb to Common Channel Ratio Determines the Long-Term Weight Loss. 2021: Obesity surgery 31: 994–1003.
- Peterson CJ, Klasen J, Delko T, Schneider R: Mechanical colon obstruction due to the alimentary limb after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a case report. 2021: Journal of medical case reports 15: 43.
- Rohm TV, Fuchs R, Müller RL, Keller L, Baumann Z, Bosch AJT, Schneider R, Labes D, Langer I, Pilz JB, Niess JH, Delko T, Hrúz P, Cavelti-Weder C: Obesity in Humans Is Characterized by Gut Inflammation as Shown by Pro-Inflammatory Intestinal Macrophage Accumulation. 2021: Frontiers in immunology 12: 668654
- Lazaridis II, Kraljević M, Süsstrunk J, Köstler T, Zingg U, Delko T: Revisional Adjustable Gastric Band in Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass – Is It Worth It? 2021: Journal of gastrointestinal surgery: official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract 25: 3056–3063.
- Kraljević M, Süsstrunk J, Köstler T, Lazaridis II, Zingg U, Delko T: Short or Long Biliopancreatic Limb Bypass as a Secondary Procedure After Failed Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. 2021: Obesity surgery 31: 170–178.
- Haak F, Obrecht I, Tosti N, Weixler B, Mechera R, Däster S, von Strauss M, Delko T, Spagnoli GC, Terracciano L, Sconocchia G, von Flüe M, Kraljević M, Droeser RA: Tumor Infiltration by OX40+ Cells Enhances the Prognostic Significance of CD16+ Cell Infiltration in Colorectal Cancer. Cancer Control. 2020; 27: 1073274820903383
- Süsstrunk J, Lazaridis II, Köstler T, Kraljević M, Delko T, Zingg U: Long-Term Outcome of Proximal Versus Very-Very Long Limb Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: the Roux-Limb to Common Channel Ratio Determines the Long-Term Weight Loss. Obes Surg. 2020 Nov 16 Schneider R, Kraljević M, Peterli R, Rohm TV, Klasen JM, Cavelti-Weder C, Delko T: GLP-1 Analogues as a Complementary Therapy in Patients after Metabolic Surgery: a Systematic Review and Qualitative Synthesis. Obes Surg. 2020 Sep; 30(9): 3561–3569
- Peterson CJ, Klasen JM, Delko T, Schneider R: Mechanical colon obstruction due to the alimentary limb after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a case report. Accepted for publ. 2020 in Journal of Medical Case Reports
- Mujagic E, Hoffmann H, Soysal S, Delko T, Mechera R, Coslovsky M, Zeindler J, Salm L, Marti WR, Weber WP: Teaching in the operating room: A risk for surgical site infections? Am J Surg. 2020 Aug; 220(2): 322–327
- Lazaridis II, Kraljević M, Schneider R, Klasen JM, Schizas D, Peterli R, Kow L, Delko T: Collaborators. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic onBariatric Surgery: Results from aWorldwide Survey.Obes Surg. 2020 Jul 11: 1–9. doi:10.1007/s11695-020-04830-8
- Kraljević M, Süsstrunk J, Köstler T, Lazaridis II, Zingg U, Delko T: Short or Long Biliopancreatic Limb Bypass as a Secondary ProcedureAfter Failed Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. Obes Surg. 2020 Jul 23
- Kraljević M, Köstler T, Süsstrunk J, Lazaridis II, Taheri A, Zingg U, Delko T: Revisional Surgery for Insufficient Loss or Regain of Weight After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: Biliopancreatic Limb Length Matters. Obes Surg. 2020 Mar; 30(3): 804–811
- Tampakis A, Weixler B, Rast S, Tampaki EC, Cremonesi E, Kancherla, Tosti N, Kettelhack C, Ng KYC, Delko T, Soysal SD, von Holzen U, Tornillo L; Luigi Terracciano, Eppenberger-Castori S, Spagnoli G, Piscuoglio S, von Flüe M, Däster S, Droeser R; Nestin and CD34 expression in colorectal cancer predicts beneficial survival by modulating a hypoxia mediated favorable immune response. Cellular Oncology 2019.
- Koh ZJ, Tai BC, Kow L, Toouli J, Lakdawala M, Delko T, Kraljević M, Huang CK, Raj P, Cheng A, Rao J, Eng A, Kosai NR, Rajan R, Kim GW, Han SM, So JBY, Kasama K, Lee WJ, Kim YJ, Wong SKH, Ikramuddin S, Shabbir A; Influence of Asian Ethnicities on Short- and Mid-term Outcomes Following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. Obes Surg. 2019 Jun; 29(6): 1781–1788.
- Delko T, Mattiello D, Koestler T, Zingg U, Potthast S./ Computed tomography as primary postoperative follow-up after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. / World J Radiol. 2018 Jan 28;10(1):1-6. doi: 10.4329
- Henry Hoffmann*, Tarik Delko*, Philipp Kirchhoff , Rachel Rosenthal, Juliane Schäfer, Marko Kraljević, Christoph Kettelhack / Colon perfusion patterns during colorectal resection using visible light spectroscop / Accepted 06/2017 World Journal of Surgery *equally contributed
- Kraljević M*, Delko T*, Köstler T, Osto E, Lutz T, Thommen S, Droeser RA, Rothwell L, Oertli D, Zingg U. / Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass versus laparoscopic mini gastric bypass in the treatment of obesity: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. / Trials. 2017 May 22;18(1):226. doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-1957-9. *equally contributed
- Peña AS*, Delko T*, Couper R, Sutton K, Kritas S, Omari T, Chisholm J, Kow L, Khurana S. / Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding in Australian Adolescents: Should It Be Done? / Obes Surg. 2017 Jan 12. doi: 10.1007/s11695-017-2544-6. [Epub ahead of print] *equally contributed
- Delko T, Hoffmann H, Kraljevic M, Droeser RA, Rothwell L, Oertli D, Zingg U. / Intraoperative Patterns of Gastric Microperfusion During Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy/Obes Surg. 2016 Sep 19. Epub ahead of print
- Delko T, Kraljević M, Köstler T, Rothwell L, Droeser R, Potthast S, Oertli D, Zingg U./ Primary non-closure of mesenteric defects in laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: reoperations and intraoperative findings in 146 patients./ Surg Endosc. 2016 Jun;30(6):2367-73. doi: 10.1007/s00464-015-4486-1.
- Tremp M*, Delko T*, Kraljević M, Zingg U, Rieger UM, Haug M, Kalbermatten DF./ Outcome in body-contouring surgery after massive weight loss: A prospective matched single-blind study./ J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2015 Oct;68(10):1410-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2015.05.035. *equally contributed
- Delko T, Köstler T, Peev M, Esterman A, Oertli D, Zingg U./ Revisional versus primary Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a case-matched analysis./ Surg Endosc. 2014 Feb;28(2):552-8. doi: 10.1007/s00464-013-3204-0.
- Delko T, Köstler T, Peev M, Oertli D, Zingg U./ Influence of additional resection of the gastric fundus on excessive weight loss in laparoscopic very very long limb Roux-en-Y gastric bypass./ Obes Surg. 2013 Mar;23(3):279-86. doi: 10.1007/s11695-012-0805-y.
- Mujagic E, Zeindler J, Coslovsky M, Hoffmann H, Soysal SD, Mechera R, von Strauss M, Delko T, Saxer F, Glaab R, Kraus R, Mueller A, Curti G, Gurke L, Jakob M, Marti WR, Weber WP./ The association of surgical drains with surgical site infections - A prospective observational study./Am J Surg. 2018 Jun 19. pii: S0002-9610(18)30672-X. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2018.06.015
- Ramser M, Eichelberger S, Däster S, Weixler B, Kraljević M, Mechera R, Tampakis A, Delko T, Güth U, Stadlmann S, Terracciano L, Droeser RA, Singer G./ High OX40 expression in recurrent ovarian carcinoma is indicative for response to repeated chemotherapy./ BMC Cancer. 2018 Apr 16;18(1):425. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4339-0.
- Weixler B, Renetseder F, Facile I, Tosti N, Cremonesi E, Tampakis A, Delko T, Eppenberger-Castori S, Tzankov A, Iezzi G, Kettelhack C, Soysal SD, von Holzen U, Spagnoli GC, Terracciano L, Tornillo L, Droeser RA, Däster S./ Phosphorylated CXCR4 expression has a positive prognostic impact in colorectal cancer./ Cell Oncol (Dordr). 2017 Dec;40(6):609-619. doi: 10.1007/s13402-017-0348-2. Epub 2017 Sep 21.
- Weber WP, Mujagic E, Zwahlen M, Bundi M, Hoffmann H, Soysal SD, Kraljević M, Delko T, von Strauss M, Iselin L, Da Silva RXS, Zeindler J, Rosenthal R, Misteli H, Kindler C, Müller P, Saccilotto R, Lugli AK, Kaufmann M, Gürke L, Oertli D, Bucheli-Laffer E, Landin J, Widmer AF, Fux CA, Marti WR. / Timing of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis: a phase 3 randomised controlled trial. /Lancet Infect Dis. 2017 Jun;17(6):605-614. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30176-7. Epub 2017 Apr 3.
- Weber WP, Mujagic E, Zwahlen M, Bundi M, Hoffmann H, Soysal SD, Kraljević M, Delko T, von Strauss M, Iselin L, Da Silva RXS, Zeindler J, Rosenthal R, Misteli H, Kindler C, Müller P, Saccilotto R, Lugli AK, Kaufmann M, Gürke L, Oertli D, Bucheli-Laffer E, Landin J, Widmer AF, Fux CA, Marti WR. / Timing of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis: a phase 3 randomised controlled trial. /Lancet Infect Dis. 2017 Jun;17(6):605-614. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30176-7. Epub 2017 Apr 3.
- Droeser RA, Mechera R, Däster S, Weixler B, Kraljević M, Delko T, Güth U, Stadlmann S, Terracciano L, Singer G./ MPO density in primary cancer biopsies of ovarian carcinoma enhances the indicative value of IL-17 for chemosensitivity./BMC Cancer. 2016 Aug 17;16:639. doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2673-7.
- Däster S, Eppenberger-Castori S, Hirt C, Soysal SD, Delko T, Nebiker CA, Weixler B, Amicarella F, Iezzi G, Governa V, Padovan E, Mele V, Sconocchia G, Heberer M, Terracciano L, Kettelhack C, Oertli D, Spagnoli GC, von Holzen U, Tornillo L, Droeser RA./ Absence of myeloperoxidase and CD8 positive cells in colorectal cancer infiltrates identifies patients with severe prognosis./Oncoimmunology. 2015 May 29;4(12):e1050574. eCollection 2015 Dec.
- Weixler B, Cremonesi E, Sorge R, Muraro MG, Delko T, Nebiker CA, Däster S, Governa V, Amicarella F, Soysal SD, Kettelhack C, von Holzen UW, Eppenberger-Castori S, Spagnoli GC, Oertli D, Iezzi G, Terracciano L, Tornillo L, Sconocchia G, Droeser RA./ OX40 expression enhances the prognostic significance of CD8 positive lymphocyte infiltration in colorectal cancer/ Oncotarget. 2015 Nov 10;6(35):37588-99. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.5940.
- Däster S, Eppenberger-Castori S, Hirt C, Zlobec I, Delko T, Nebiker CA, Soysal SD, Amicarella F, Iezzi G, Sconocchia G, Heberer M, Lugli A, Spagnoli GC, Kettelhack C, Terracciano L, Oertli D, von Holzen U, Tornillo L, Droeser RA./ High frequency of CD8 positive lymphocyte infiltration correlates with lack of lymph node involvement in early rectal cancer./ Dis Markers. 2014;2014:792183. doi: 10.1155/2014/792183.
- Hilti CC, Delko T, Orosz AT, Thomann K, Ludewig S, Geyer MA, Vollenweider FX, Feldon J, Cattapan-Ludewig K./ Sustained attention and planning deficits but intact attentional set-shifting in neuroleptic-naïve first-episode schizophrenia patients. /Neuropsychobiology. 2010;61(2):79-86. doi: 10.1159/000265133.
- Baettig V, Courlet P, Delko T, Battegay M, Marzolini C./ Boosted darunavir, emtricitabine and tenofovir pharmacokinetics in sthe early and late postgastric bypass surgery periods./ AIDS. 2018 Aug 24;32(13):1903-1905. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000001913.
- Tampakis A, Droeser RA, Tampaki EC, von Holzen U, Delko T/ A case of cecal volvulus mimicking Ogilvie Syndrome in a hospitalized patient with a pelvis fracture./ Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2016 Mar 2;7:55-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2016.02.028. eCollection 2016 May.
- Gruetter F, Kraljević M, Nebiker CA, Delko T/ Internal hernia in late pregnancy after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass./ BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Dec 23;2014. pii: bcr2014206770. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-206770.
- Däster S, Droeser RA, Delko T, Oertli D./ Two similar cases of internal hernia after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery./ BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Sep 26;2013. pii: bcr2013010189. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-010189.
- Nebiker CA, Delko T, Zulewski H, Oertli D. Acute thyroid swelling and elevated C reactive protein. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Aug 21;2013. pii: bcr2013200427. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-200427.